Course in France

A Sensory Adventure in Sauve, France
A 3-day course where culinary and artistic expression meet through shared sensory experiences.
The course takes place 14-17 May 2025. Please see information in Swedish, followed by information in English and booking below. Register on the contact page or press register below.

Courses, Lectures & workshops in Sweden

Available in English or Swedish at the Artist's studio in Stockholm, Sweden or at an alternate location. Artist’s Talks, courses below or tailor made seminars can be booked through the contact page.

Visual Analysis of Taste: Seminars and workshops on taste analysis and discussion of the human tasting palate verus the artist’s palette. Learn more through food and wine tastings and the application of new principles for the visual mapping of taste.

Quality Evaluation of Art: A seminar on methods for evaluating Fine Art that go beyond personal opinion.

Crafting and Chatting with 17 000: A workshop where all are welcome to create a miniture sculpture and contribute to the artwork 17 000 with unique artistic expression and the exchange of thoughts and ideas for a more compassionate world.

Performance Art Workshop: A one day investigation of Performance Art as a means of artistic expression for the sense of taste or the loss of the sense of taste.

Life Drawing: Figure drawing course from a live model with guided instruction.

Studies in Painting: 5-day course dedicated to painting and individual intruction for beginners or more advanced students.

Artist’s Talk with Organization KonstMusikSamtal

For booking and more information on seminars and courses click here: