Save Lövsta

The viewer witnesses “The Verdict” installation take form and expand during many hours of this live Performance “Save Lövsta”. The work is made from recyled paper taken from the 494 page verdict for appealing the proposition to build a waste burning facility in the nature preserve area surrounding LiMi’s studio. This document was mailed out to all businesses, tenants and households in the effected area from The Swedish Land and Environment Court.

You can support the Save Lövsta cause, aka Rädda Lövsta, by purchasing an original page of the verdict signed by LiMi and mounted on wood with a bandage or purchase any picture as a print on aluminum. Get prices and order by clicking here.


See What You Hear

If you could see what you hear, what would it look like? These still shots are from a performance piece "Bells”. During the live performance the viewer is taken on a journey of exploring the visual fantasy of sound. In this case, the sound of pealing of bells.

Click on the pictures for enlargement.


The investigation of empathy in relation to refugees and the human plight is the basis of this body of work, consisting of large-scale outdoor installation, indoor installation, performance and prints on wood and aluminum.

Fish Life

Performance piece: "Fish Life - A Living Painting" invites you to experience the painter’s process. For a moment the canvas becomes three-dimensional. It is living for an instant and then it is over, as those golden moments in the creative process when everything one creates truly begins to breathe. 

Click on the pictures for enlargement.

Snowflake Challenge

This Interactive Installation and Happening involves the viewer as part of the artwork as they wonder through the work and are challenged to participate in adding to the installation. This process reflects the evolution of the winter season.

All works above available as photo prints on aluminum or plexiglass by request on the contact page.